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The Hubbub

Keep up with the latest in South Big Data Innovation Hub news!


The Hubbub! Blog showcases Hub projects, new partnerships, working group activities, news, event highlights, and other activities around the Hub; we also include guest blog posts from Hub members around the region.

materials speakers
On August 25, nearly sixty people gathered for a workshop on Data Infrastructure for Materials and Advanced Manufacturing.
The workshop participants thoughtfully assessed a wide array of mobile health (mhealth) applications to address health disparities and their environmental influences within the research, legal, policy, environment, and clinical settings. Within the clinical setting, participants identified shifting the point of care to the patient using mHealth technologies as a key priority.
The explosion of social media, blogs, and websites purporting to be news sources, along with a 24-hour news cycle and ubiquitous assess to the internet from cell phones and other devices, means a new information environment.
people at conference table
Participant recap of the mHealth Conference in May 2017. The Mobile Health (mHealth) conference sponsored by the South Big Data Innovation Hub and the National Consortium for Data Science. Alex Cheng was a third-year graduate student in biomedical informatics at Vanderbilt University. He attended the South Big Data Hub/NCDS mHealth conference in May with travel support from the Hub.