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The Hubbub

Keep up with the latest in South Big Data Innovation Hub news!


The Hubbub! Blog showcases Hub projects, new partnerships, working group activities, news, event highlights, and other activities around the Hub; we also include guest blog posts from Hub members around the region.

COVID Information Commons
The COVID Information Commons serves as an open resource to explore NSF-funded research addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. This project is a nationally coordinated effort led by the Northwest Big Data Hub and supported by the South, West, and Midwest Big Data Hubs.
Open Storage Network logo
OSN provides value to multiple disciplines, ranging from moving large astronomy datasets to compute resources to datasets geared towards strengthening machine learning research. Our users constitute a varied community of researchers and practitioners. The project is nationally coordinated effort led by the South Big Data Hub and supported by the Northeast, West, and Midwest Big Data Hubs
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The Social Cybersecurity Working Group is a new working group that will create a collaborative and interdisciplinary platform bringing researchers and practitioners from various disciplines to share, exchange, learn, and develop new concepts, ideas, and principles, aiming to advance the understanding and the current state of research in the socio-cognitive security domain.
The South Big Data Innovation Hub Seed Grant program is designed to promote collaboration and support the cross-pollination of tools, data, and ideas across disciplines and sectors including academia, industry, government, and communities. Seed grant awards must support the southern region and the Major Goals and Priority Areas of the South Hub.
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South Hub SEEDS (Southern Engagement and Enrichment in Data Science) projects are designed to give money to PI’s to establish communities of practice, working groups, or provide a connection point between two or more communities, sectors, or solution providers to grow and scale opportunities for the Southern region.
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The Data Sharing and Cyberinfrastructure Working Group is actively working in close collaboration with the South, Midwest, West, and Northeast Big Data Hubs, including representatives from the NDS, XSEDE, DataNet Federation, and iRODS Consortium to map resources, identify new collaborations, and facilitate data sharing across partners.
Education and Workforce Working Group
An open quarterly professional working group for data science educators and program leaders to discuss education and training in data science, curriculum development, training collaborations, and workforce development.
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Just how Big is Big Data? It’s difficult to wrap our heads around it. We now carry in our pockets computers (a.k.a. smartphones) that have 1 million times more memory than NASA’s Apollo Guidance Computer, which was used to land the first human beings on the moon. The world’s most powerful supercomputer is the Summit housed at the Oakridge National Laboratory. It can perform 200 quadrillion (1 x 1015) calculations per second.
Education and Workforce WG
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The South Big Data Innovation Hub Seed Grant program is designed to support the cross-pollinating of ideas across disciplines (data science and other domains), sectors (academia, industry, and government) and communities in order to foster ideas, data, and/or products in support the major goals and priority areas of the South Hub.