The South Big Data Hub has provided students opportunities to gain real-world experience through attending multi-week team building fellowships, collaborating in fast-paced atmospheres, providing expert knowledge to address company data-related business challenges, obtaining internships to utilize data for social impact, and participating in speaking engagements and travel awards to expand their knowledge and network.

In addition, the South Hub and partners developed tools to help youth understand the many aspects of the data-intensive computing environment through a national online Data Science course.



  • 176 students participated in DataUp workshops
  • 100+ indirect learners who benefited from workshops/bootcamps, modules, and courses taught by DataUp trained faculty members
  • Over $280,000 in funding for students to gain real-world data-related career experience


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This project was an awardee of the 2020 South Big Data Hub SEEDS Program - Southern Engagement and Enrichment in Data Science. It was the single large award funded at $100K. The PIs seek to build a consortium that provides an accessible and beneficial platform within the HBCU community.
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This project was an awardee of the 2020 South Big Data Hub SEEDS Program - Southern Engagement and Enrichment in Data Science. It is one of two awards funded in the Seed Grant's mid-range category of >$50,000. The proposed work will build on the Baltimore Data Science Corps NSF HDR project and will develop a number of use cases for serving open data for smart city and urban data applications..
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This project was an awardee of the 2020 South Big Data Hub SEEDS Program - Southern Engagement and Enrichment in Data Science. It is one of two awards funded in the Seed Grant's mid-range category of >$50,000. The PIs seek to launch a website that contains guides, videos, and other content to assist educators and instructors on teaching data science to their students.
This project was an awardee of the 2020 South Big Data Hub SEEDS Program- Southern Engagement and Enrichment in Data Science. It is one of three awards funded in the Seed Grant's small-range category of <$10,000. The PIs seek to promote visualization and reuse of 3D images of porous materials that are stored in the open data repository Digital Rocks Portal (DRP).
This project was an awardee of the 2020 South Big Data Hub SEEDS Program- Southern Engagement and Enrichment in Data Science. It is one of three awards funded in the Seed Grant's small-range category of <$10,000. The PIs seek to showcase the different educational pathways that high school students can take to become a data scientist.
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The Program to Empower Partnerships with Industry and Government (PEPI-G) supports faculty members, research scientists, postdocs, and graduate and undergraduate students (rising juniors and seniors as of 2020) from the 16 states that comprise the South Big Data Regional Innovation Hub (South BD Hub).
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PEPI-G supports data faculty members, research scientists, postdocs, and graduate and undergraduate students from across the country in working on high level problems for the federal government. Our 2020 program partner is the Department of Homeland Security – Advanced Research Projects Agency (DHS-ARPA).
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The DataUp Program allows academic institutions to apply to bring data science training capabilities to their campuses, thus expanding data science to more academic campuses across the South.
PEPI-G Program
The Program to Empower Partnerships between Industry & Government allows early career professionals to visit program participants to kick-start new collaborations and research through fellowships with data faculty members, research scientists, postdocs, and graduate and undergraduate students (rising juniors and seniors).
Two fellows were selected for the 2019 cycle of the PEPI-G Program. The Program to Empower Partnerships with Industry and Government (PEPI-G) supports faculty members, research scientists, postdocs, and graduate and undergraduate students (rising juniors and seniors as of 2019) from the 16 states that comprise the South Hub.