The South Big Data Innovation Hub is excited to host the 2020 DataUp Program as part of our Keeping Data Science Broad Series. DataUp will offer hands-on training for instructor teams at minority-serving institutions, community colleges, or 4-year liberal arts colleges. Priority will be given to hosts who can demonstrate the participation of faculty from diverse departments, or multiple institutions of the types listed above.
Recipients of DataUp will receive one 2-day data science workshop hosted on their campus for 15 -30 people (workshop fees waived and instructor provided). Also, accepted team members will receive travel funding to attend an in-person train-the-trainers workshop in Atlanta, GA November 2020. After the training, teams will be certified to (and expected to) teach a data science course, bootcamp or workshop, in their local region by December 2021.
The ability to utilize and understand data is an increasingly critical skill for the evolving 21st-century workforce. Sectors are realizing a critical shortfall in data-literate talent for the positions of today as well as tomorrow. To combat this shortfall, underrepresented groups and schools must be engaged in data science training. The DataUp program is one such effort of the South Hub.
Recipients Will Receive:
- a 2-day data science training workshops held at DataUp recipient institution. Selected institutions would be able to choose among the 15 different workshops (in English and Spanish) offered by The Carpentries (described here) to host at their home. Target audiences are 15-30 learners with little to no prior computational experience.Workshops must take place in Summer and Fall 2020; and
- travel support to attend a 2-day train-the-trainer event at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA in Fall 2020. Train-the-trainer events are taught by peer, volunteer Carpentries instructors trained in pedagogy. The interactive workshop will introduce key research findings and teaching practices adopted by the Carpentries community to help learners engage in data science better and faster; and
- participating institutions are also required to teach a data science course, workshop, or boot camp in year 2 (2021) to expand the impact of data science at their institution and to their students.
Applicants must be groups of 2-4 faculty or permanent staff from a minority-led, -serving, primarily teaching institutions, community colleges or 4-year liberal arts colleges institution or group of institutions in the same local area to maintain a cohort model in each location. Lead Institutions must be in the 16 states of the South Hub and indicate interest in hosting a training workshop at their institutions. To ensure broad and adequate attendance, in the application process, institutions will submit a list of potential attendees or partners from their local communities which should include local minority-serving institutions and community colleges. Institutions with the broadest reach will be selected for participation.
We anticipate a total of 5 awards/year. Priority will be given to institutional teams who can demonstrate the participation of faculty from diverse departments, or multiple institutions of the types listed above.
Learn more about the previous cycle of the DataUp program:
The DataUp recipients from Johnson C. Smith University (JCSU). JCSU is a private, historically black university in Charlotte, North Carolina.
“In the [instructor] training we discussed the dangers associated with ‘expert blind spot’. So, I’m more consciously adjusting my expectations to account for this. I have incorporated (and improved) live coding with the students. This has been very useful. My DATA-UP colleagues and I continue to be impacted by the idea of using data of interest (health data for our county, arrest data in our area, etc..) in our courses. The trainings have had a huge impact and the timing can’t be better.” - Dr. Felesia Stukes (Software and Information Systems), Johnson C. Smith University, private, historically black university in Charlotte, North Carolina (Front Row, Lower Left). 2018 DataUp Cohort
"This workshop was helpful for thinking about ways of introducing computer coding into my organic chemistry curriculum through creating research projects." - Assistant Professor at Johnson C. Smith University, DataUp 2018 Participant
Past Program Participants